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Joseph Volpicelli, MD, PhD

The Volpicelli Center

Dr. Joseph Volpicelli graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Medical School in 1981 and completed his residency there in 1985. Since then he has spent the last twenty-five years as a pioneer in clinical research, education, and practice. Throughout this time, he was an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania and Senior Scientist at the Pennsylvania VA Center for Research on Addictive Disorders. Dr. Volpicelli is also the author of “Recovery Options: The Complete Guide” and “Combining Medication and Psychosocial Treatments for Addictions: The Brenda Approach.” Dr. Volpicelli has led the way in the integration of medications with psychotherapy support to treat addictions. His research on the use of Naltrexone led to the first new medication to be approved by the FDA for alcohol treatment in nearly fifty years.



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