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David Lewis, MD

Professor Emeritus of Medicine

Brown University

David C. Lewis is Professor Emeritus of Behavioral and Social Sciences, a professor of Medicine and Community Health and the Donald G. Millar Distinguished Professor of Alcohol and Addiction Studies at Brown University. In 1982 he founded the Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies, an internationally renowned research center, which he directed until 2000. Dr. Lewis is a graduate of Brown University and Harvard Medical School. Trained in internal medicine, he is now a fellow of the American College of Physicians and chair of the Professional Advisory Committee, Caron Foundation. He is a member of the board of directors of the American Society of Addiction Medicine and the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, where he is vice chairman, the Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse, and the Drug Policy Alliance. He is the author of over 400 publications and he is the founding editor of DATA, the Digest of Addiction Theory and Application. He received a Rockefeller Foundation Residency Fellowship at the Bellagio Center in Italy during the summer of 1998 to work on his book. He also served as project director of Physician Leadership on National Drug Policy, a national policy initiative advocating greater use of medicine and public health in approaching drug problems. In December 1997, he received the AMA's Education and Research Foundation Award in recognition of "outstanding contributions and leadership in championing the inclusion of alcohol and other drug problems into the mainstream of medical practice and medical education."



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